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Commentary on the Act on Collective Management of Copyright helps apply the act that regulates copyright organisations

The work “Laki tekijänoikeuden yhteishallinnoinnista – kommentaari ja käsikirja” (Act on Collective Management of Copyright – Commentary and Handbook), written by our CEO Valtteri Niiranen and Director Martti Kivistö of Teosto, was published in January. The work sheds light on the Act’s background and sections and serves as a guide for everyone interested in copyright.
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Kopiosto’s copyright remunerations to creative industries: EUR 66 million paid in 2020

In 2020, Kopiosto distributed almost EUR 66 million in copyright remunerations to performing artists, authors, publishers and producers. The amount of remuneration increased by an exceptional EUR 20 million from the previous year. The increase in distribution was due to the fact that last year, among other remunerations, a multi-year accumulation of remunerations was settled with APFI, which represents audiovisual producers.
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National Library of Finland made digitised versions of newspapers and magazines from the 1930s available to clients

A decade’s worth of digitised newspapers and magazines were made available when the National Library of Finland made all newspapers and magazines published in Finland by 31 December 1939 available. The newspapers and magazines are available to the public online at The extension of the collection is based on an agreement about the licences concerning the newspapers and magazines between the National Library of Finland and Kopiosto.
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All Swedish-language newspapers published in Finland will be digitised 2024

In the next three years, the National Library of Finland will digitise all Swedish-language newspapers published in Finland. The project is made possible by the grants worth a total of EUR 1.85 million awarded by eight Finland-Swedish funds and foundations. The newspapers will be made available online and in archives and legal deposit collections in Helsinki, Mariehamn, Vaasa and Turku, among others. Agreements about licences have been made with Kopiosto.
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