Make sure that you receive your copyright remuneration!
Do you need a permission to use works?
Make sure that you receive your copyright remuneration!
Do you need a permission to use works?
We can defend your interests and look after your rights after you give Kopiosto an authorisation to manage your copyrights. Every year, we pay millions of euros in copyright remunerations directly to authors and via our member organisations. We make sure that you receive the appropriate remuneration from the use of your works.
Copyright agreement for audiovisual authors and performing artists
Kopiosto authorisation for writers and visual artists
Information about audiovisual remunerations
The use and copying of audiovisual works or publications usually requires a licence from the author or publisher of the work. We provide companies and educational institutions with an extensive licence to use a wide variety of works. The collected remunerations from sold licences help secure the future of the creative industry and professional content production.
Copyright legislation must keep up with the times: it must be reformed to meet the changes in society and the creative industries.
Legislation must be used to secure an operating environment for authors, performing artists and publishers in the creative industries, where agreements on the use of works can be made smoothly. Authors and other copyright holders must be able to live on their own work and investments in different kinds of content.
Actions must be taken during the Government term to ensure fair and supportive copyright legislation as well as predictable copyright revenue for the operators in the field.
For this reason, we propose that the reform of the Copyright Act should continue during the Government term. This is linked to three issues:
Learn more about our goals for the parliamentary term (in Finnish)
The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture (AVEK) is part of Kopiosto and uses copyright remunerations to promote the many forms of audiovisual culture in Finland. AVEK funds the production of new documentary films, short animations, short films and media art.
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