On this page we list situations in which the works for which we grant extended collective licences are used.
In addition to the authorisations we receive, the licences granted by Kopiosto are based on an extended collective licence. It is a system based on the Copyright Act that supports the collective management of works, maintained by Finnish copyright organisations. A copyright organisation approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture can grant licences for the use of works even on behalf of authors that the organisation does not represent directly based on authorisations.
Kopiosto is approved as an extended collective licence organisation referred to in section 26 of the Copyright Act in the fields of the following extended collective licences. Some of the extended collective licences have been granted to Kopiosto together with another copyright organisation.
- Use of works for educational activities and scientific research (Copyright Act, sections 13 and 14)
- The copying of works and use for internal communication in companies, public administration and other communities (Copyright Act, sections 13 and 13a)
- Use of works in archives, libraries and museums by virtue of extended collective licence (Copyright Act, sections 16d and 16g)
- A reuse of a newspaper or periodical stored in archives (Copyright Act, section 25g)
- Use of works for educational activities and scientific research (Copyright Act, section 14)
- Online recording service of television programmes (Copyright Act, section 25l)
- Retransmission of a radio or television transmission (Copyright Act, section 25h)
The licences for use granted by Kopiosto in these fields of the extended collective licence are listed below.
Audiovisual works: works aired on television and radio
Licence to use television programmes
The Finnish National Agency for Education has acquired licences to record and perform TV and radio programmes in education and early childhood education and care from Kopiosto, broadcasting companies and Audiovisual Producers Finland APFI, who represent film producers. Kopiosto grants the licence with regard to the rights of audiovisual authors. You can find more information on the licence on a separate page.
In cooperation with Teosto, Gramex and APFI, we offer operators a chance to purchase a copyright licence required to provide online recording services for recording television programmes. The licence covers the rights of all copyright holder groups of television programmes, excluding the rights of the broadcasting companies.
You can find more information on the licence on a separate page.
We grant permissions for the retransmission of certain foreign TV channels over cable TV and collective antenna networks, for instance. You can find more information on the licence and the channels represented by Kopiosto on a separate page.
Printed and digital works: literary and visual works, photographs and sheet music
Kopiosto has made the following agreements on the copying and use of works in education and research.
Kopiosto sells copying licences for use in education and research for the copying and use of digital and printed publications and online content within the limits of the licence. You can find more information on the licence and the licence terms on a separate page.
Kopiosto, the University of Helsinki and CSC – IT Center For Science Ltd have made an agreement on making digital copies of works protected by copyright and their use in the FIN-CLARIN (Finnish Language Resource and Technology Infrastructure) project and the services targeted at users within its framework. The agreement applies to the newspaper and magazine materials digitised by the National Library of Finland as well as materials freely available online, and on behalf of authors, works that are not freely available online if the publisher’s permission for their use has been received.
Kopiosto and the Finnish Social Science Data Archive have agreed on the storage of digital copies made for a specific piece of research for the verification of the research and later studies. Under the agreement, the Finnish Social Science Data Archive receives the right to make digital copies protected by copyright and archive them for long-term storage as well as distribute them to authorised users. The Finnish Social Science Data Archive acts in connection with the University of Tampere. The agreement has been drawn up by taking advantage of the extended collective licence under section 14.1 of the Copyright Act.
Archiving licence for scientific journals
Kopiosto and the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing have drawn up a pilot agreement, based on which the publishers of scientific journals are allowed to digitise their publications. The agreement covers scientific journals published before the 1 January 1999 and includes articles that can be made publicly available on websites or the Journal.fi platform. Kopiosto grants the licence on behalf of the authors. The agreement will remain valid as a pilot agreement until 31 December 2026, and will then continue as valid until further notice.
In 2022, Kopiosto and the Tampere Music Institute Foundation made a pilot agreement on digitising the wind band sheet music in the sheet music archives of the Tampere Conservatoire and the use of the resulting digital sheet music archive and digital copies of sheet music in the teaching activities, concerts and other performances of the Conservatoire and practicing for them. The pilot agreement was drawn up under an extended collective licence in accordance with section 14.1 of the Copyright Act, and it will remain in force until 31 July 2024.
Copying licence
Kopiosto sells copying licences to companies, public administration and other communities. With the copying licence, you receive permission to copy publications as well as text and visual content online within certain bounds. You can find more information about the permit and the licence terms on a separate page.
Newspaper and magazine publishers’ archive licence
With a Kopiosto licence, a newspaper and magazine publisher may digitise a newspaper or magazine publication in its archive and make the publication available to magazine subscribers over a closed network, for instance. Kopiosto grants the licence on behalf of the authors. You can find more information on the licence on a separate page.
Kopiosto has been approved to grant licences for making copies of literary works as well as works and photographs included in them in Finland and distributing them to an audience as follows:
- periodical publications (magazines and newspapers as well as scientific periodical publications), the literary works published therein and their copyright holders
- literary works published in ephemera and their copyright holders
- visual works, photographic works, photographs, maps and other explanatory drawings and graphic or plastic works and their copyright holders contained in literary works and the printed publications referred to above
- photographic works and photographs in accordance with section 49a of the Copyright Act and their copyright holders
In addition to Kopiosto, Sanasto has been approved as an extended collective licence organisation with regard to the copyright holders of works in the field of literature, excluding images, and Kuvasto has been approved as an extended collective licence organisation with regard to visual works.
Kopiosto has made the following agreements on the use of works included in a library, archive or museum collection in the cultural heritage institutions in question.
Illustration licence for libraries
A public municipal library can obtain a licence from Kopiosto for the use of book illustrations in the videos, website and social media channels of the library, the online library or similar contexts in connection with the publication related to the book. You can find more information on the licence on a separate page.
Licence for museums and archives
Archives and museums can obtain a licence from Kopiosto for digitising and distributing works included in their collections online with regard to magazine and newspaper materials, photographs, ephemera, sheet music and written works. You can find more information on the licence on a separate page.
Separate licence agreements
Distributing old newspaper and magazine articles via the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service
Kopiosto and the National Library of Finland have agreed on making newspaper and magazine articles published in 1939 or earlier and digitised by the National Library of Finland available to the public in the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service. The agreement is valid until 31 December 2025.
In addition to the above agreement, Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland on digitising newspapers in Swedish published in 1940–1949 and making them available to the public in the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service. The agreement is valid until 31 December 2026.
Kopiosto has also made an agreement with the Käkisalmi Foundation and the National Library of Finland, according to which the National Library of Finland may make eight old newspapers published in the Käkisalmi and Ladoga region openly available in the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service. The agreement applies to newspapers published in 1940 or later. The agreement is valid until further notice.
TUTKAIN agreement
Kopiosto and the National Library of Finland have made an agreement on distributing magazine and newspaper materials digitised by the National Library of Finland to higher education institutions for research purposes. Identified researcher users from higher education institutions that have made an agreement with the National Library of Finland have been granted access to all newspaper materials published in Finland before 2018 and digitised by the National Library of Finland via the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service. A total of 17 universities and universities of applied sciences have made a TUTKAIN agreement with the National Library of Finland. The agreements will be valid until 31 December 2027.
Distributing old newspaper and magazine articles in archives and museums for research and customer use
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland and several archives or museums on making the newspaper materials digitised by the National Library of Finland available to the staff of the archive or museum and via the terminals located in the archive or museum for research and customer use.
This type of agreement was made with the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation on distributing Helsingin Sanomat and Iltasanomat newspapers via Media Museum and Archives Merkki for research, customer service and customer use. The agreement covers the digitised Helsingin Sanomat and Iltasanomat until 31 December 1979. The agreement is valid until further notice.
A similar agreement has also been signed with the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland and Pressarkivföreningen and Ålands landskapsarkiven archives regarding Swedish-speaking newspapers and with the Finnish Labour Heritage Association regarding the newspapers Suomen Sosiaalidemokraatti, Työkansan Sanomat, Vapaa sana and Kansan Uutiset.
Digitising newspaper and magazine materials and making them available to the public online
Kopiosto has made agreements with public libraries to digitise a certain local newspaper or similar and make them available to the public online.
This type of agreement was made with the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation on distributing Helsingin Sanomat and Iltasanomat newspapers via Media Museum and Archives Merkki for research, customer service and customer use. The agreement covers the digitised Helsingin Sanomat and Iltasanomat until 31 December 1979. The agreement is valid until further notice.
Such an agreement has been made with the Ulvila City Library. It applies to the local papers in Ulvila published in 1975–2015 and included in the library collection and making them available to the public via the digi.kirjastot.fi service. A similar agreement has also been drawn up with the Helsinki City Library concerning the publication Arvosteleva luettelo suomenkielisestä kirjallisuudesta (A critical catalogue of Finnish literature) published in 1930–1988 and making it available to the public via the Kirjasampo.fi service.
Making magazine and newspaper materials digitised by the National Library of Finland available to the licence-holder organisation
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland and the Finnish Heritage Agency on making certain digitised newspapers available to the staff of the Finnish Heritage Agency. In 2024, this agreement applies to the newspapers Borgåbladet, Hufvudstadsbladet, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, Uusi Suomi and Västra Nyland. The agreement is valid until further notice.
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland and Keskisuomalainen Oyj on digitising the newspapers published by ESA Oy and Kaakon Viestintä Oy and making them available to the staff of Keskisuomalainen Oyj. The agreement is valid until further notice.
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland and Viestimedia Oy on digitising the newspaper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus and other newspapers and magazines published by Viestimedia Oy and making them available to the staff of Viestimedia Oy. The agreement is valid until further notice.
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the National Library of Finland and Suomen Hevosurheilulehti Oy on digitising the newspapers Hevoslehti, Hevostalous and Hevosurheilu and making them available to the staff of Suomen Hevosurheilulehti Oy. The agreement is valid until further notice.
Using book covers in the online services of libraries
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature on digitising book covers of Finnish books for children and young people and attaching them to the illustrator bibliography published online and produced and maintained by the Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature. The pilot agreement is valid until 31 December 2024.
Kopiosto has made an agreement with the Helsinki City Library on digitising book covers and attaching them to the national Kirjasampo service maintained by the Helsinki City Library. The pilot agreement is valid until further notice.
Digitising literature and distributing it to the public
The joint Klassikkokirja (Classic Book) agreement between Kopiosto, Sanasto and the National Library of Finland covers 100 books in total. The National Library of Finland can distribute the books within the scope of the agreement to the public openly online via the Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi service. The Klassikkokirja agreement is valid until 31 December 2024. Kopiosto has granted licences to the books on behalf of the copyright holders of visual works and photographs included in the books. Sanasto has granted licences on behalf of the authors and other copyright holders (writers, translators, publishers) of the books.
Making posters and other ephemera available online
Kopiosto and the Lahti Museum of Visual Arts Malva have agreed on making copies of posters and other ephemera by Finnish authors in the collections of the museum and making them available to the public via the museum website, the Finna service or a similar portal. The pilot agreement is valid until 31 December 2024.
Distributing articles to library customers by email
Kopiosto and the National Repository Library (NRL) have made a pilot agreement that allows NRL to scan a copy of a scientific or magazine article in its collections and send it directly to the end user that made the order by email. The pilot includes six customer libraries of the NRL (the Aalto University library, the National Library of Finland, the library of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), the library of the University of Oulu, the library of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and the library of the University of Eastern Finland). The pilot agreement is valid until 31 December 2023.
An agreement with a similar content has also been drawn up with the Finnish Copyright Society concerning the Copyright Library it maintains. The pilot agreement is valid until 31 December 2024.
Making the works of art, photographic works and photographs in the collections of the Finnish National Gallery available to the public online
Kopiosto and Kuvasto have made an agreement together with the Finnish National Gallery in 2014 that gives the Finnish National Gallery the right to make the works of art, photographic works and photographs in its collection available online. The agreement is valid until further notice.
How can I receive remunerations for the use of my works?
Kopiosto pays audiovisual authors and performing artists copyright remunerations for recording and screening television programmes for teaching purposes, retransmitting TV channels (so far, only foreign ones) and recording television programmes in online recording services. You can find more information on how to receive remunerations for the programmes, in the production of which you have participated, on the page Remunerations to audiovisual authors.
As a rule, the remunerations collected for printed and digital works are paid via the member organisations of Kopiosto. Kopiosto’s member organisations distribute the remunerations they receive to authors and publishers in the field they represent in the form of grants or direct remunerations or otherwise provide services that benefit them. The grants and services funded by our member organisations with the copying remunerations are open for applications by all authors in the field.
If you are an author or publisher who has not authorised Kopiosto or its member organisation to represent you, you can present a claim for remunerations to Kopiosto if the copying or use of the work subject to the claim has been within the scope of the Kopiosto licence and you have not already granted permission for the use with another agreement, in the terms of use or a licence, and there is evidence of the copying or use of your work with a Kopiosto licence.
You can find more information on the remunerations paid for the copying and use of printed and digital works with a Kopiosto licence on the page Remunerations for member organisations.
How can I prohibit the use of my work with a Kopiosto licence?
According to the Copyright Act, copyright holders have the right to opt out their works from extended collective licences.
If you do not want to allow the copying, recording or use of your work or works with a Kopiosto licence, you must submit the prohibition to Kopiosto in writing. In connection with the prohibition, you must identify your works, the use of which with a Kopiosto licence you prohibit. We will notify our customers about the prohibition on our website.
The author’s opt-out right does not apply to recording programmes broadcast on radio or television and the works included in them and distributing them in teaching and scientific research, the retransmission of radio and television broadcasts, or recording a work included in a programme broadcast on television in an online recording service.
To establish the prohibition, contact us at oikeudenomistajapalvelut (at) kopiosto.fi, +358 (0)9 431 521 (exchange).