The CreaDemo programme provides support for development projects in the creative industries and cultural entrepreneurship.
Application schedule
There will be two rounds of applications:
- The application period for concept support will start on 15 February and end on 11 April 2023 at 16:00. The decisions on concept support will be announced in May. The project report for concept support and final grant report must be submitted in accordance with the agreement with AVEK, but no later than 15 December 2024. For more information on the concept support application process, please contact Media Art Commisioner Milla Moilanen during the call hours on 23 February and 7 March at 10:00–14:00.
- The application period for demo grants will start on 15 May and end on 11 September at 16:00. The decisions will be announced in November.
- An application clinic for demo grants will be held online on Wednesday 16 August 2023 at 10:00–12:00. The event is intended for applicants who have already started the application process and need answers to specific questions about the application. Sign up for the application clinic by 14 August.
- The project report and final grant report must be submitted in accordance with the agreement with AVEK, but no later than 15 December 2024.
For what?
CreaDemo grants are awarded for product development projects that seek new product or service innovations in the creative industries and cultural entrepreneurship. The projects can be carried out between companies, industry professionals or associations engaged in professional business, or networks and other forms of cooperation between them. The aim of the appropriation is to create new products, methods or services that are based on or utilise creative expertise. The grants are also awarded for the launch of multidisciplinary pilot projects between the creative industries and other industries, such as the manufacturing industry or the service industry.
The projects supported may come from different sectors of the creative industries or culture and may also promote the productisation and market launch of creative industry products or services.
Emphasis will be placed on projects that improve collaboration between different lines of business and, in particular, the matching creative expertise with other business expertise, creating new business and developing entrepreneurship within the creative industries. Multidisciplinary projects should primarily include at least one cooperation partner that is a company in the manufacturing, service or some other industry that is not considered to be part of the creative industries or a network thereof, but networking projects between creative industry companies only will also be considered.
Grants can be awarded for the production of a demo, pilot or prototype, or for concept design.
The total amount of funding for the CreaDemo programme is confirmed annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture in its decision on discretionary government grants to AVEK.
To whom?
Demo, proto and pilot support may be awarded to legally competent companies in the creative industry or networks of multiple companies, excluding private traders. The company must be registered by the end of the application period. Registered cultural associations with legal capacity and responsibility to keep accounting records may also apply for the grant.
Concept support can also be awarded to private traders, individuals and working groups. The applicant is the person in charge appointed by the working group.
Concept support
The aim of concept support is to develop the idea of a content project into a finished concept.
In addition to the objective, the applications are assessed based on the following aspects:
- the plan for the concept’s content and development
- the plan for the concept’s further development
- the applicant’s previous experience
Those who have applied for and received concept support in 2023 can also apply for a demo grant in the second application stage, provided that the concept support has been reported before the deadline for the demo support application on 11 September at 16:00.
Demo grants
The aim of the demo grants is to develop a content plan into a demo, prototype or pilot to present the project to parties such as financiers and distributors for production on a commercial scale.
In addition to the objective, the applications are assessed based on the following aspects:
- the content and development plan for the demo
- the project’s envisaged revenue generation model
- the marketing and/or distribution plan for the completed product
- how the product or service to be developed will be productised
- the novelty value or other innovativeness of the content or project being developed
- a competitive analysis comparing the project with similar domestic or international products or content already on the market
- a cost estimate for the demo or pilot and an estimate of the cost of the final product
- the financial stability of the company
- proof of the applicant’s previous experience of similar activity
To support their project, the applicant can also request assessments or statements from other operators that provide funding for business activities, such as a Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre), Business Finland, municipal or regional economic development companies/departments, Finnish Enterprise Agencies or similar. The applicant must request a recommendation personally in good time and attach it to their application. The list of contact persons for AVEK’s demo support in the ELY Centres can be found at the bottom of the page.
Funding and restrictions
Concept planning is eligible for a grant of 5,000 euros.
The amount of demo, proto and pilot support is 10,000 or 20,000 euros, depending on the scale of the project.
The demo and pilot support may cover up to 80 per cent of the eligible costs of a project.
The eligible costs of a project include those incurred after the application’s submission for purposes stated in the application.
The grant amount, together with all other public aid, may not exceed the amount of the eligible costs.
The grants come from a special appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to AVEK for the implementation of the CreaDemo programme, which is de minimis aid (minor support) in accordance with the EU’s state aid regulations. The maximum amount of de minimis aid granted to a company is 200,000 euros within three consecutive tax years.
CreaDemo grants are taxable income for companies and individuals. The grant recipient must take care to notify the tax authorities of the grant received.
The recipient must find out whether it is obliged to comply with procurement legislation and take this into account in its activities. A grant recipient outside the state, municipalities or parishes may also be obliged to arrange competitive tendering of its procurements in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Public Procurement Act (Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts 29.12.2016/1397).
The CreaDemo applications are reviewed by a group of experts. Support is granted on a discretionary basis. The review is based on a comprehensive assessment, factoring in the project goals planned by the applicant company and the project’s implementation plan in relation to the CreaDemo grant objectives. Furthermore, the company’s operational quality in terms of substance, functionality and professionality is evaluated.
Any previously awarded CreaDemo grants and their realisation and effectiveness are also taken into account in the review.
In addition to that, the Ministry of Education and Culture’s strategic impact goals and commitments, as well as the general criteria for granting state aid, are included in the review.
AVEK’s Board of Directors will confirm the expert group’s decisions. The applicants will be notified of the decisions via email. The decision will also be shown in AVEK’s application system.
Reasons why grants may not be awarded
An application will be rejected if it arrives after the deadline.
The applying organisation needs to have taken care to report on the previous grants it has received from AVEK.
The support is not granted
- for applications received after the closing date of the application period
- for the company or association’s routine operations, fixed costs, marketing or acquisition of basic software or equipment
- retroactively for costs incurred before the application is submitted, for projects that are already at the pilot or demo phase or for product development that has already been completed.
- for the production of educational material for general, vocational or higher education
- for exclusively technology-oriented projects
- for the creation and production of a single work of art
- for projects to develop online shops and marketing content or services
- for theses or their development
- for ordered works, i.e. product development projects for the applicant company’s client.
The appropriation is also not intended to support the productisation of cultural tourism, for which the Ministry of Education and Culture has a separate state subsidy.
Other financing / self-financing
At least 20% of the total cost of the demo/pilot must come from sources other than AVEK. In addition to funding from outside the applicant company, self-financing from the company itself is also accepted.
The self-financing may also include the cost of the applicant’s own work or the use of own equipment – the hourly rate for own work can be calculated at €19/h and the use of own equipment to a maximum of 60% of the rental price of similar equipment. An hourly tracking of your own work must be presented in the report.
In multidisciplinary projects, it is also desirable, but not obligatory, for a partner company from another industry to make a financial contribution to the costs of the project.
Concept support does not require a percentage of self-financing or other financing.
Application process
The project applications are created via AVEK’s application system. The person submitting the application must be authorised to sign documents on the organisation’s behalf.
In addition to this application notification, please remember to read the grant guidelines (further down on the same page).
An applicant organisation can register with the system by signing in for the first time. You should register with a personal email address, not the general address for your organisation or similar.
Once registered, create a new organisation account on the ‘Create application’ page. The main user of an organisation will be set as the ‘owner’ of the account. The owner of an organisation account can add new users as members of the organisation and delete them if necessary.
If the applicant company has ongoing projects funded by AVEK, a request to join the company/organisation must first be made in the application system. To do this, click on the ‘Join organisation’ button on the ‘Create application’ page. The request is processed by AVEK. Once the request has been approved, you can submit an application.
Fill in the company’s basic information on the application form. This information includes the company’s industrial classification that can be checked on the Business Information System website.
Instructions for filling in the application:
Application title:
Name of the project or other identifying description.
What the support will be used for in brief and non-technical language (max. 300 characters):
A short description of the use of the project in a publishable format.
Type of creative industry:
Tick one of the options.
Support sought:
Amount of support requested from AVEK.
Total project budget:
The total budget or cost estimate for the demo, prototype, pilot or concept. The support from AVEK may not exceed 80% of the total budget.
Itemisation of the project’s cost estimate:
A breakdown of the costs of the project. The breakdown can be made directly on the form or as a separate appendix using AVEK’s cost estimate template or the applicant’s own template.
Extensive content description (max. 5,000 characters)
Project description or other content or product development plan.
Concept support: project description or other content or product development plan and concept work schedule.
Working plan (max. 5,000 characters)
- justification of the need for the project
- the production plan and schedule for the project
- the marketing and distribution plan
- the funding plan, if not attached separately
- the plan for possible multidisciplinary cooperation
Concept support: a statement of previous activities / CVs of individual or working group applicants.
- Certificate of paid taxes / tax debts (compulsory for companies)
- The latest annual report and audit report. If the company form does not require mandatory reporting, a free-form financial report will suffice. (compulsory, other appendix)
- Breakdown of other funding and possible self-financing (compulsory appendix for demo and pilot support)
- Written commitment to the project from the partner company/network in another industry or creative industry (compulsory for projects involving several companies or a network)
- Possible recommendation (other appendix)
You may attach any other material you consider relevant to the application, including a link to visual material.
Previous support decisions
Previous decisions on CreaDemo grants can be found on a separate page.
Grant purpose and boundary conditions
The CreaDemo programme provides support for development projects in the creative industries and cultural entrepreneurship as well as for the launch of pilot projects between the creative industries and other industries, such as the manufacturing industry or the service industry.
The grants come from a special appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to AVEK for the implementation of the CreaDemo programme, which is de minimis aid (minor support) in accordance with the EU’s state aid regulations. The maximum amount of de minimis aid granted to a company is 200,000 euros within three consecutive tax years.
The support may account for up to 80% of the project’s total costs. The other funding for the project may include funding from outside the applicant company, as well as self-financing from the company itself. The self-financing may include the cost of the applicant’s own work or the use of own equipment – the hourly rate for own work can be calculated at €19/h and the use of own equipment to a maximum of 60% of the rental price of similar equipment. An hourly tracking of your own work must be presented in the report.
Support may only be used for the specific purpose it has been granted for and under the conditions and terms defined in the agreement signed by the applicant.
CreaDemo grants are taxable income for companies and individuals. The grant recipient must take care to notify the tax authorities of the grant received.
The recipient must find out whether it is obliged to comply with procurement legislation and take this into account in its activities. A grant recipient outside the state, municipalities or parishes may also be obliged to arrange competitive tendering of its procurements in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Public Procurement Act (Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts 29.12.2016/1397).
Agreement procedure
A written grant agreement or commitment about a granted support is made with the recipient of the grant in the application system.
A grant decision becomes binding when the recipient agrees to the grant agreement/commitment and the instalments via the application system with their signature.
If the grant agreement/commitment is not signed within three months of the grant decision, the decision will expire.
The agreement may be cancelled and the support recovered if
- the support is not used within the agreed timeframe and for the approved purpose,
- the recipient has provided AVEK with misleading information that has affected the granting of the support or continuation of payments or
- the final report is not submitted within the agreed time limit and in the agreed form, and the recipient has not agreed on a new procedure with AVEK.
If the costs end up being less than the budget on which the grant agreement was based, AVEK may cut the grant amount proportionately and recover the excess amount if the final instalment does not cover it.
The grant is paid in two or more instalments. The grant recipient requests instalments through the application system, the instalments are subject to a reporting obligation and the last instalment is paid after the final report. The amount of the final instalment is at least 20% of the grant.
CreaDemo grant reporting
A final report on the use of the grant must be drawn up by the final report date set in the agreement/commitment. The final report is submitted in AVEK’s application system.
Concept support – information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances (companies). Concept plan. If the concept plan is very extensive, it can also be submitted as an appendix. - Financial report (companies) and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project. - Attach any other necessary material, such as pictures.
Demo and pilot support – information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances. A summary of the content of the project realised. - Financial report and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project, including an assessment of the support’s significance to the company’s operations.
The report on the use of the support is to be provided in the same format as that used to apply for the support.
Final report appendices:
- Final report. A written report of the realisation of the project. A compulsory appendix.
- Financial report. The financial report must be based on the accounts and confirmed with an accountant’s signature. The report must include all the costs of the project. AVEK’s support may cover no more than 80% of the costs incurred. The financial report must also include any other actual funding. A compulsory appendix.
- Report on self-financing. If the self-financing includes the grant recipient’s own working time, the report must also include a report on working time tracking. A compulsory appendix if the project has included self-financing.
- Auditor’s report. The report is mandatory if the total support granted by AVEK for the project is 20,000 euros or more.
- Images. Image material related to the project. Not mandatory.
- Links. Links related to the project. Not mandatory.
The DigiDemo programme provides support for the product development of new digital content.
Application schedule
There will be two rounds of applications:
- The application period for concept support will start on 15 February and end on 11 April 2023 at 16:00. The decisions on concept support will be announced in May. The project report for concept support and final grant report must be submitted in accordance with the agreement with AVEK, but no later than 15 December 2024. For more information on the concept support application process, please contact Media Art Commisioner Milla Moilanen during the call hours on 23 February and 7 March at 10:00–14:00.
- The application period for demo grants will start on 15 May and end on 11 September at 16:00. The decisions will be announced in November.
- An application clinic for demo grants will be held online on Wednesday 16 August 2023 at 10:00–12:00. The event is intended for applicants who have already started the application process and need answers to specific questions about the application. Sign up for the application clinic by 14 August.
- The project report and final grant report must be submitted in accordance with the agreement with AVEK, but no later than 15 December 2024.
For what?
DigiDemo is a product development grant for the development of new audiovisual or other cultural content and its narrative forms. Support can be awarded for the production of a demo or the pilot episode of a serial programme, or for concept planning.
The total amount of funding for the DigiDemo programme is confirmed annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture in its decision on discretionary government grants to AVEK.
To whom?
Demo and pilot support may be awarded to legally competent companies, excluding private traders. The company must have been registered for at least 6 months before applying.
Concept support can also be awarded to private traders, individuals and working groups. The applicant is the person in charge appointed by the working group.
Concept support
The aim of concept support is to develop the idea of a content project into a finished concept.
In addition to the objective, the applications are assessed based on the following aspects:
- the plan for the concept’s content and development
- the plan for the concept’s further development
- the applicant’s previous experience
Those who have applied for and received concept support in 2023 can also apply for a demo grant in the second application stage, provided that the concept support has been reported before the deadline for the demo support application on 11 September at 16:00.
Demo and pilot support
The aim of the demo and pilot support is to develop a content project from a concept into a demo or pilot to present the project to parties such as financiers and distributors for production on a commercial scale.
In addition to the objective, the applications are assessed based on the following aspects:
- the content and development plan for the demo
- the project’s envisaged revenue generation model
- the marketing and/or distribution plan for the completed product
- the novelty value or other innovativeness of the content or project being developed
- a competitive analysis comparing the project with similar domestic or international products or content already on the market
- a cost estimate for the demo or pilot and an estimate of the cost of the final product
- the financial stability of the company
- proof of the applicant’s previous experience of similar activity
To support their project, the applicant can also request assessments or statements from other operators that provide funding for business activities, such as a Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre), Business Finland, municipal or regional economic development companies/departments, Finnish Enterprise Agencies or similar. The applicant must request a recommendation personally in good time and attach it to their application. The list of contact persons for AVEK’s demo support in the ELY Centres can be found at the bottom of the page.
Funding and restrictions
Concept planning is eligible for a grant of 5,000 euros.
The amount of demo and pilot support is 10,000 or 20,000 euros, depending on the scale of the project. Concept planning is eligible for a grant of 5,000 euros.
The demo and pilot support may cover up to 80 per cent of the eligible costs of a project.
The eligible costs of a project include those incurred after the application’s submission for purposes stated in the application.
The grant amount, together with all other public aid, may not exceed the amount of the eligible costs.
The grants come from a special appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to AVEK for the implementation of the DigiDemo programme, which is de minimis aid (minor support) in accordance with the EU’s state aid regulations. The maximum amount of de minimis aid granted to a company is 200,000 euros within three consecutive tax years.
DigiDemo grants are taxable income for companies and individuals. The grant recipient must take care to notify the tax authorities of the grant received.
The recipient must find out whether it is obliged to comply with procurement legislation and take this into account in its activities. A grant recipient outside the state, municipalities or parishes may also be obliged to arrange competitive tendering of its procurements in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Public Procurement Act (Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts 29.12.2016/1397).
The DigiDemo applications are reviewed by a group of experts. Support is granted on a discretionary basis. The review is based on a comprehensive assessment, factoring in the project goals planned by the applicant company and the project’s implementation plan in relation to the DigiDemo grant objectives. Furthermore, the company’s operational quality in terms of substance, functionality and professionality is evaluated.
Any previously awarded DigiDemo grants and their realisation and effectiveness are also taken into account in the review.
In addition to that, the Ministry of Education and Culture’s strategic impact goals and commitments, as well as the general criteria for granting state aid, are included in the review.
AVEK’s Board of Directors will confirm the expert group’s decisions. The applicants will be notified of the decisions via email. The decision will also be shown in AVEK’s application system.
Reasons why grants may not be awarded
An application will be rejected if it arrives after the deadline.
The applying organisation needs to have taken care to report on the previous grants it has received from AVEK.
The support is not granted
- for applications received after the closing date of the application period
- for the company’s routine operations, fixed costs, marketing or acquisition of basic software or equipment
- retroactively for costs incurred before the application is submitted or for projects that are already at the pilot or demo phase
- for the production of educational material for general, vocational or higher education
- for exclusively technology-oriented projects
- for the creation and production of a single work of art
- for projects to develop online shops and marketing content or services
- for theses or their development.
The appropriation is also not intended to support the productisation of cultural tourism, for which the Ministry of Education and Culture has a separate state subsidy.
Other financing / self-financing
At least 20% of the total cost of the demo/pilot must come from sources other than AVEK. In addition to funding from outside the applicant company, self-financing from the company itself is also accepted.
The self-financing may also include the cost of the applicant’s own work or the use of own equipment – the hourly rate for own work can be calculated at €19/h and the use of own equipment to a maximum of 60% of the rental price of similar equipment. An hourly tracking of your own work must be presented in the report.
Concept support does not require a percentage of self-financing or other financing.
Application process
The DigiDemo project applications are created via AVEK’s application system. The person submitting the application must be authorised to sign documents on the organisation’s behalf.
In addition to this application notification, please remember to read the grant guidelines (further down on the same page).
An applicant organisation can register with the system by signing in for the first time. You should register with a personal email address, not the general address for your organisation or similar.
Once registered, create a new organisation account on the ‘Create application’ page. The main user of an organisation will be set as the ‘owner’ of the account. The owner of an organisation account can add new users as members of the organisation and delete them if necessary.
If the applicant company has ongoing projects funded by AVEK, a request to join the company/organisation must first be made in the application system. To do this, click on the ‘Join organisation’ button on the ‘Create application’ page. The request is processed by AVEK. Once the request has been approved, you can submit an application.
Fill in the company’s basic information on the application form. This information includes the company’s industrial classification that can be checked on the Business Information System website.
Instructions for filling in the application:
Application title:
Name of the project or other identifying description.
What the support will be used for in brief and non-technical language (max. 300 characters):
A short description of the use of the project in a publishable format.
Type of creative industry:
Tick one of the options.
Support sought:
Amount of support requested from AVEK.
Total project budget:
The total budget or cost estimate for the demo, pilot or concept. The support from AVEK may not exceed 80% of the total budget.
Itemisation of the project’s cost estimate:
A breakdown of the costs of the project. The breakdown can be made directly on the form or as a separate appendix using AVEK’s cost estimate template or the applicant’s own template.
Extensive content description (max. 5,000 characters)
Demo and pilot support: project description, script or other content or product development plan
Concept support: project description or other content or product development plan and concept work schedule
Working plan (max. 5,000 characters)
Demo and pilot support:
- justification of the need for the demo/pilot in question
- the production plan and schedule for the demo/pilot
- the marketing and distribution plan
- the funding plan, if not attached separately
Concept support: a statement of previous activities / CVs of individual or working group applicants
- Certificate of paid taxes / tax debts (compulsory if the applicant is company)
- The latest annual report and audit report. If the company form does not require mandatory reporting, a free-form financial report will suffice. (compulsory for demo and pilot support, other appendix)
- Breakdown of other funding and possible self-financing (compulsory for demo and pilot support)
- Possible recommendation (other appendix)
You may attach any other material you consider relevant to the application, including a link to visual material.
Previous support decisions
Previous decisions on DigiDemo grants can be found on a separate page.
Grant purpose and boundary conditions
The DigiDemo programme provides support for the product development of digital content.
The grants come from a special appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture to AVEK for the implementation of the DigiDemo programme, which is de minimis aid (minor support) in accordance with the EU’s state aid regulations. The maximum amount of de minimis aid granted to a company is 200,000 euros within three consecutive tax years.
The support may account for up to 80% of the project’s total costs. The other funding for the project may include funding from outside the applicant company, as well as self-financing from the company itself. The self-financing may include the cost of the applicant’s own work or the use of own equipment – the hourly rate for own work can be calculated at €19/h and the use of own equipment to a maximum of 60% of the rental price of similar equipment. An hourly tracking of your own work must be presented in the report.
Support may only be used for the specific purpose it has been granted for and under the conditions and terms defined in the agreement signed by the applicant.
DigiDemo grants are taxable income for companies and individuals. The grant recipient must take care to notify the tax authorities of the grant received.
The recipient must find out whether it is obliged to comply with procurement legislation and take this into account in its activities. A grant recipient outside the state, municipalities or parishes may also be obliged to arrange competitive tendering of its procurements in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Public Procurement Act (Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts 29.12.2016/1397).
Agreement procedure
A written grant agreement or commitment about a granted support is made with the recipient of the grant in the application system.
A grant decision becomes binding when the recipient agrees to the grant agreement/commitment and the instalments via the application system with their signature.
If the grant agreement/commitment is not signed within three months of the grant decision, the decision will expire.
The agreement may be cancelled and the support recovered if
- the support is not used within the agreed timeframe and for the approved purpose,
- the recipient has provided AVEK with misleading information that has affected the granting of the support or continuation of payments or
- the final report is not submitted within the agreed time limit and in the agreed form, and the recipient has not agreed on a new procedure with AVEK.
If the costs end up being less than the budget on which the grant agreement was based, AVEK may cut the grant amount proportionately and recover the excess amount if the final instalment does not cover it.
The grant is paid in two or more instalments. The grant recipient requests instalments through the application system, the instalments are subject to a reporting obligation and the last instalment is paid after the final report. Its amount is at least 20% of the grant.
DigiDemo grant reporting
A final report on the use of the grant must be drawn up by the final report date set in the agreement/commitment. The final report is submitted in AVEK’s application system.
Concept support – information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances (companies). Concept plan. If the concept plan is very extensive, it can also be submitted as an appendix. - Financial report (companies) and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project. - Attach any other necessary material, such as pictures.
Demo and pilot support – information to be included in the final report:
- Short description
Write a short description of the content produced, which is also in a publishable format. - Written content report
Realisation of the content and objectives with the help of the support, deviations from the plan and their impact on finances. A summary of the content of the project realised. - Financial report and further plans
Impact and importance of the support, further plans for the project, including an assessment of the support’s significance to the company’s operations.
The report on the use of the support is to be provided in the same format as that used to apply for the support.
Final report appendices:
- Final report. A written report of the realisation of the project. A compulsory appendix.
- Financial report. The financial report must be based on the accounts and confirmed with an accountant’s signature. The report must include all the costs of the project. AVEK’s support may cover no more than 80% of the costs incurred. The financial report must also include any other actual funding. A compulsory appendix.
- Report on self-financing. If the self-financing includes the grant recipient’s own working time, the report must also include a report on working time tracking. A compulsory appendix if the project has included self-financing.
- Auditor’s report. The report is mandatory if the total support granted by AVEK for the project is 20,000 euros or more.
- Images. Image material related to the project. Not mandatory.
- Links. Links related to the project. Not mandatory.